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October 17


September 03

古典的なヤクザ風のスーツと山高帽にだぶだぶのジーンズとブリンブリンblingsからはっきりと進化エルメネジルド アウトレット
するファッションスタイルは、常にヒップホップ業界の不可欠な要素となっている。ヒップホップファッションはアフリカ系アメリカ人の若者の服のスタイルに そのルーツをトレースします。それ以来、だけでなく、地下鉄、大衆文化のさまざまな要素から、カリフォルニアからニューヨークに、米国のさまざまな部分で のヒップホップシーンから、その影響を集めている。

ヒップホップの前の服のスタイルの一つは、古い学校のラップのための署名外観となっ目立 つ宝石と相まってスポーツウェアだった。スーツ、ボマージャケット、ベレー帽、ドクターマーチン、スニーカーは、共通アパレルの一部であった​​。女性 は、大きな金のイヤリングを身に着けていながら、男性は金のチェーンを遊ばし。アディダス、ナイキ、そしてルコックSPORTIFのスポーツアパレルは、 1980年代に一般的に愛用ブランドのいくつかあった。 1990年代には、トミーヒルフィガー、DKNY、ポロ、カルバンクライン、およびノーティカからより多くのスポーツの普及を見た。この特定のファッショ ンスタイルは、都市のストリートとして知られるようになったし、さらにFUBU、Eckoの無制限、ウォーカー服、そしてボスジーンズなどのブランドに よって供給された。

ト凶悪犯と刑務所の受刑者の服のスタイルに触発され、この時間を燃料とする。ギャングスタラッパーは、バギーパンツ、バンダナ、そして入れ墨を身に着け始 めた。少なくない保守派はたるみのパンツと低ぶら下がっウエストラインに否定反応した。宗教団体は、他の人がそれを違法にする模索しながらベルトを与える ことによって、ファッションスタイルに対抗しようとしました。

September 03

オーランド、フロリダ州は、多くのフロリダの休暇のための宛先であるその素晴らしいテーマパークで世界的に認められています。それはあまり知られて もよいが、オーランドはまた、フロリダで最高級のショッピングの一部を誇っています。豪華なデザイナーハンドバッグ、テーマパークTシャツやボールキャッ プにストレート既製滑走路スレッド、市場で、高級モール、オーランドにアウトレットセンターを広大なことから、http://www.itariaautorettjp.com


ショッ ピングでは、フロリダの休暇にオーランドの観光名所を考えるしようとしているときに頭に浮かぶ最初のものであることが、あなたは、いくつかの小売療法のた めに出冒険することにした際に、使用可能なオプションがたくさんありますしない場合があります。ショッピングエリアのほとんどは、近くのエンターテイメン トや他の代替活動のオプションを持っているので、あなたのパーティーの男性メンバーはフロリダの休暇のウィンドウショッピングを過ごすような気がしていな い場合、彼らは自分の楽しみを見つけるためにオフに冒険することができます。

インターナショナルドライブ、オーランド、フロリダ州メトロエリアのショッピングオプゼニア アウトレット
ションの最大濃度の1つで3マイルのストリップである。深い割引とデザイナーブティックがバーゲン価格で質の高いショッピングモールとアウトレットから、 オーランドの人気のインターナショナルドライブリゾートエリアは、深刻な買い物客のためのよく知られた場所です。以上の485のショップやアウトレット は、この人気の場所で彼らのフロリダの休暇での素晴らしいショッピングをお探しの方では見落とされるべきではない魅力をショッピングしてください。すべて の偉大な価格で、お土産、ガジェット、宝石、名前のブランドのデザイナーのアウトレットを提供し、その領域は究極のショッピング体験を提供するために知ら れています。そして、すべての最高は、お店はちょうどトロリーは世界最高のテーマパークの5から地下鉄である;シーワールド、ディスカバリーコーブ、 ウェット&ワイルド、ユニバーサルスタジオ、アイランド·オブ·アドベンチャー。

September 03

The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

Necrospermia (or Necrozoospermia) is a condition where spermatozoa in semen are either immobile or dead. Commonly, it is one of the most common semen abnormalities, and it is also the major common cause of male infertility. 
1. Some of the inflammation and infections, such as prostatitis, orchitis
Clinically, some diseases like prostatitis, orchitis can cause 80% sperm being dead sperm. Due to the inflammatory infections, the necessary nutrients for sperm are consumed by the bacteria, and the pH which is the important environment of sperm is changed. Under the circumstances, the sperm which has no suitable nutrition and living environment is easy to be dead. 
2. Nonliquefaction of semen
Prostatic fluid secreted by the prostate is an important ingredient of the semen, accounting for about 30% of the semen. If patients have the diseases like prostatitis, orchitis, the inflammatory substances can impact on the amount and ingredients of the sperm. Thus, the sperm activity can be d because of the decreasing prostatic fluid, which makes the nonliquefaction of semen. If the sperm cannot be liquefied, then more and more sperm will be dead. 
3.Too much abnormal sperm 
Clinically, the condition in which the abnormal sperm are more than 50% is known as abnormal sperm polycythemia. And too much abnormal sperm impacts on necrospermia, causing the low survival rate of sperm. 
4.Poor sperm motility
Sperm motility and fructose contained in the seminal vesicles have directly relationship. If the fructos is reduced, the sperm can be nutritional deficiencies. Thus, the sperm mortality can be reduced, which increase the mortality rate of sperm. In addition, the deficiency of vitamin A, E also has a great impact on sperm motility, which directly impacts on the sperm mortality.
Currently, necrospermia is not incurable disease. Clinically, necrospermia are mainly caused by the inflammation and infection, like prostatitis, orchitis. Thus, if patients want to cure the necrospermia, they should cure their prostatitis, orchitis first. According to medical survey, the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works effectively on the necrospermia.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains some herbs which can kill bacteria and clear away heat effectively. Clinically, it has curative effect on the prostatitis, orchitis and so on. Besides, the herbal medicine is made from complete herbs, which has not drug resistance and side effect to the reproductive organs. Commonly, the inflammatory infection like prostatitis, orchitis can be cured in about 3 months. Therefore, without the inflammation and infection, the necrospermia can get the completely treatment.
September 03

Irregular vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is a condition that many women encounter. It can be divided into two categories: physiological and pathological vaginal bleeding. The former one which includes normal menstruation and postpartum lochia discharge belongs to the normal physiological category. And it won't endanger female health. However, pathological vaginal bleeding is different. It not only does damage to women, but also is a manifestation of physical illness.
Irregular vaginal bleeding refers to the vaginal bleeding that occurs either at the wrong time during the month or in inappropriate amounts. It can be caused by many factors such as ovarian endocrine dysfunction, abnormal pregnancy, cancer, reproductive tract inflammation and some systemic diseases.
Irregular vaginal bleeding can be divided into the following types: 
1.The menstrual flow increases and menstruation is prolonged, but the menstrual cycle is normal. This can be a sign of uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and uterine bleeding. In addition, women who have intrauterine ring may also suffer from increased menstrual flow. 
2.There is decreased amount or duration of menstrual flow (hypomenorrhea). Hypomenorrhea can be caused by overactive thyroid function, certain kidney diseases and some oral contraceptive pills.
3.The vaginal bleeding lasts for a long time. This is mostly caused by genital malignancies such as cervical and endometrial cancer.
4.Vaginal bleeding occurs during or after sex. Females may have diseases like cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cancer or submucosal fibroids. 
5.Spot appears before or after the menstruation. A small amount of bloody discharge before or after the menstruation is usually caused by ovarian dysfunction. However, it can also be caused by endometriosis
6.Females have bleeding between menstrual periods (intermenstrual bleeding). Women who are ovulating normally can experience light bleeding between menstrual periods. In addition, oral contraceptive pills, IUD, psychological stress, certain medications such as anticoagulant drugs, and fluctuations in hormone levels can also be the reason for intermenstrual bleeding.
7. Women have irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause. If the woman is in childbearing age, she is very likely to have pregnancy-related diseases such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and hydatid mole. However, if the woman is in postmenopausal period, she is more likely to have cancer.  

8.Paroxysmal vaginal bleeding occurs. This means females may suffer from Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma (PFTC).

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Symptoms_Checker/230.html

August 18

To cure asthenozoospermia, herbal treatment with dietary therapy can maximize the curative effect

Asthenozoospermia is the most frequent seminal alteration and causes of infertility. In clinic, it refers to a condition that the forward movement sperm of grade A and grade B are less than 50%, or the grade A movement sperm is less than 25% in semen parameters. In other words, the disease refers to the decrease in the motility of sperm. For the treatment of this disease, the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill with dietary therapy works best to asthenozoospermia.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill is invented by Wuhan herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping with over 30 years’ clinical experience. It is reasonably combined by more than 50 kinds of herbs, making it effective to cure asthenozoospermia. 
The prescription is made from Plantain Seed, Dianthus superbus, Talc, Polygonum aviculare, Safflower, Peach, Angelica sinensis, red peony and dozens of Chinese medicine. It works effectively on asthenozoospermia caused by acute or chronic inflammation of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate etc.
As a national patented drug, the effect of the herbal medicine is recognized all over the world. Besides, it can also meet the demand of clinical cure. In general, patients can feel great improvements at the end of the first month, and the effect will be obvious if they continue taking it.
In addition to this herbal treatment, dietary therapy is also important. Then, what diet should they take in their daily life? Some foods which can boost both the count and motility of the sperm are needed. For example, the Loach soup, Shrimp fried leeks, Longan and Jujube soup, and C. deserticola porridge. 
In addition to the four therapeutic sides, for the choice of food, the foods rich in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary. Besides, moderate exercise is needed in their daily life. It is better for patients to take 20-30 minutes’ exercises every day. 
To sum up, with the herbal medicine and the dietary therapy, asthenospermia can be cured eventually. It is worth noting that when taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, there are some food taboos. For the detailed dietary restrictions, you can consult the online doctor:
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